G2-OracleDB-Database Monitoring - v2
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version. Prerequisites: Gateway 7.0.0 and above. In this version of the template, G2-OracleDB-Database Monitoring - v2, the metric has been updated from oracle_database_invalid_objects to oracle_database_invalid_objects_count.
No Prerequisites
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Custom Monitor - v2 | oracle_database_archivelog_total_usage | Oracle Database Archive Log Total Usage | GB | This metric monitors the total size (in GB) of Archive log |
oracle_database_archfile_usage | Oracle Database ArchFile Usage | MB | This metric monitors the size (in MB) of each Arch file | |
oracle_database_datafile_availability | Oracle Database Datafile Availability | null | This metric monitors the datafile availability - Below are the possible values: 1 - AVAILABLE, 2 - INVALID | |
oracle_database_locked_critical_users | Oracle Database Locked Critical Users | null | This metric monitors the locked critical users information | |
oracle_database_backup_mode | Oracle Database Backup Mode | null | This metric monitors the oracle database backup mode like Active or InActive | |
oracle_database_archivegap_detection | Oracle Database Archive Gap Detection | null | This metric monitors the Archive GAP detection | |
oracle_asm_diskgroup_type | Oracle ASM Disk Group Type | null | This metric displays the type of the ASM disk group | |
oracle_asm_disk_mode_status | Oracle ASM Disk Mode Status | null | This metric displays global status about which kinds of I/O requests are allowed to the disk | |
oracle_database_restorePoint_GuaranteeFlashback_Status | Oracle Database Restore Point Guarantee Flashback Status | null | Monitors the Oracle DB backup restore point Guarantee Flashback DB Status. Below are the possible values - YES - 1 NO - 0 | |
oracle_database_daysSinceLastRestorePoint | Oracle Database Days Since Last Restore Point | Days | Monitors the age (In Days) of last successful restore point | |
oracle_database_blockCorruption_count | Oracle Database Block Corruption Count | count | Monitors the count of block corruption in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_blockCorruption_type | Oracle Database Block Corruption Type | null | Monitor the type of block corruption in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_undoUnexpired_count | Oracle Database Undo Unexpired Count | count | Monitors the count of Undo Unexpired in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_indexLogging_count | Oracle Database Index Logging Count | count | Monitors the count of Index logging in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_invalid_objects_count | Oracle Database Invalid Objects Count | count | Monitors the count of Invalid objects in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_licenseOptionUsage_status | Oracle Database License Option Usage Status | null | Monitors the Oracle DB License Option Usage Status: Below are the possible values - YES - 1 NO - 0 | |
G2-OracleDB-ASM AlertLog Monitor | oracle_asm_alertlog_size | Oracle ASM AlertLog Size | MB | This metric monitors the disk used space (in MB) by ASM alert log |
G2-OracleDB-Database locking - v2
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version. Prerequisites: Gateway 7.0.0 and above. In this version of the template, G2-OracleDB-Database locking - v2, the metric has been updated from oracle_database_lockedusers_status to oracle_database_lockedusers_count.
No Prerequisites
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database locking Monitor - v2 | oracle_blocking_session_count | Oracle Blocking Session Count | count | Oracle Blocking Session Count |
oracle_database_lockedusers_count | Oracle Database Locked Users Count | count | Monitors the count of Locked users in Oracle DB |
G2-OracleDB-Alert Log Status
This template supports for Oracle Linux flavor machines and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
- Gateway 7.0.0 and above & Add SSH credentials on target device.
- Need to provide input parameters like below format:
<diag trace path 1>::<instance1_sid>,<diag trace path 2>::<instance2_sid>
Single Instance Example:
Multiple Instance Example (separted with comma):
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Alert Log Status | oracle_database_alertLog_readAccessibility | Oracle Database Alert Log Read Accessibility | NULL | Monitors the alert log read accessibility of given instances. Below are the possible values: 0 - Not Accessible,1 - Accessible |
oracle_database_alertLog_availability | Oracle Database Alert Log Availability | NULL | Monitors the alert log availability of given instance. Below are the possible values: 0 - Not Available,1 - Available | |
oracle_database_alertLog_writeAccessibility | Oracle Database Alert Log Write Accessibility | NULL | Monitors the alert log write accessibility of given instances. Below are the possible values: 0 - Not Accessible,1 - Accessible |
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries,Template is tested on Oracle RAC 19c version (Linux based OS).
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-ARCHIVER | oracle_database_flash_recovery_usage | Oracle Database Flash Recovery Usage | MB | Flash recovery usage (in MB) of the oracle database |
oracle_database_flashback_log_usage | Oracle Database FlashBack Log Usage | % | FlashBack Log usage in percent | |
oracle_database_recoveryDest_size | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Size | MB | Oracle Database Recovery Destination Size in MB | |
oracle_database_recoveryDest_used_percentage | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Used Percentage | % | Oracle Database Recovery Destination usage in Percent | |
oracle_database_recoveryDest_used_size | Oracle Database RecoveryDest Used Size | MB | Oracle Database Recovery Destination Used Size in MB | |
oracle_database_archiveLogMode | Oracle Database Archive Log Mode | NULL | Monitors the archive log mode of the instance. Below are the possible values: 0 - NOARCHIVELOG. 1 - ARCHIVELOG,2 - MANUAL | |
oracle_database_component_status | Oracle Database Component Status | NULL | Oracle Database DBA Registry Component Status - Below are the possible values: INVALID - 0,VALID - 1,LOADING - 2,LOADED - 3,UPGRADING - 4,UPGRADED - 5,DOWNGRADING - 6,DOWNGRADED - 7,REMOVING - 8,REMOVED - 9 |
G2-OracleDB-ASM Availability
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types,Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-ASM Availability Monitor | oracle_asm_disk_status | Oracle ASM Disk Status | NULL | Oracle ASM Disk Status |
oracle_asm_diskgroup_status | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Status | NULL | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Status | |
oracle_asm_acfs_status | Oracle ASM ACFS Status | NULL | Oracle ASM ACFS Status |
G2-OracleDB ASM DiskGroup Space Usage
Monitors Oracle ASM Diskgroup Space Usages
No Prerequisites
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB ASM DiskGroup Space Usage Monitor | oracle_database_asm_diskgroup_utilization | oracle_database_asm_diskgroup_utilization | % | This metric calculates the percentage of disk group space that is currently being used. It helps you monitor the overall utilization of the ASM disk group. Note: Oracle Database 10g and later versions. |
oracle_database_asm_dis kgroup_safelyUsableDiskSpace | oracle_database_asm_diskgroup_safelyUsableDiskSpace | MB | This metric provides the amount of usable disk space in megabytes within the ASM disk group. It represents the space available for storing database files and other data safely. Note: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 and later versions. | |
oracle_database_asm_diskgroup_requiredMirrorFreeSpace | oracle_database_asm_diskgroup_requiredMirrorFreeSpace | This metric indicates the amount of free space in megabytes that is required for maintaining the mirroring or redundancy configuration of the ASM disk group. It helps ensure data redundancy and availability. Note: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 and later versions. |
G2-OracleDB-Database backups
This template supports both SID and Service name connection type Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database backups Monitor | oracle_database_backup_incremental | Oracle Database Incremental Backup DaysAgo | Days | Oracle Database Incremental Backup DaysAgo |
oracle_database_backup_usermanaged | Oracle Database User Managed Backup DaysAgo | Days | Oracle Database User Managed Backup DaysAgo | |
oracle_database_backup_full | Oracle Database Full Backup DaysAgo | Days | Oracle Database Full Backup DaysAgo | |
oracle_database_backup_archive | Oracle Database Archive Backup DaysAgo | Days | Oracle Database Archive Backup DaysAgo | |
oracle_database_backup_rman | Oracle Database RMAN Backup DaysAgo | Days | Oracle Database RMAN Backup DaysAgo |
G2-OracleDB-Database locking
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database locking Monitor | oracle_database_lockedusers_status | Oracle Database Locked Users Status | NULL | Oracle Database Locked Users Status |
oracle_blocking_session_count | Oracle Blocking Session Count | count | Oracle Blocking Session Count |
G2-OracleDB-Database Monitoring
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-ASM AlertLog Monitor | oracle_asm_alertlog_size | Oracle ASM AlertLog Size | MB | This metric monitors the disk used space (in MB) by ASM alert log |
G2-OracleDB-Custom Monitor | oracle_database_blockCorruption_count | Oracle Database Block Corruption Count | count | Monitors the count of block corruption in Oracle DB |
oracle_database_blockCorruption_type | Oracle Database Block Corruption Type | NULL | Monitor the type of block corruption in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_archfile_usage | Oracle Database ArchFile Usage | MB | This metric monitors the size (in MB) of each Arch file | |
oracle_database_restorePoint_GuaranteeFlashback_Status | Oracle Database Restore Point Guarantee Flashback Status | NULL | Monitors the Oracle DB backup restore point Guarantee Flashback DB Status. Below are the possible values - YES - 1,NO - 0 | |
oracle_database_indexLogging_count | Oracle Database Index Logging Count | count | Monitors the count of Index logging in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_archivegap_detection | Oracle Database Archive Gap Detection | NULL | This metric monitors the Archive GAP detection | |
oracle_database_undoUnexpired_count | Oracle Database Undo Unexpired Count | count | Monitors the count of Undo Unexpired in Oracle DB | |
oracle_database_locked_critical_users | Oracle Database Locked Critical Users | NULL | This metric monitors the locked critical users information | |
oracle_database_datafile_availability | Oracle Database Datafile Availability | NULL | This metric monitors the datafile availability - Below are the possible values: 1 - AVAILABLE,2 - INVALID | |
oracle_database_backup_mode | Oracle Database Backup Mode | NULL | This metric monitors the oracle database backup mode like Active or InActive | |
oracle_database_archivelog_total_usage | Oracle Database Archive Log Total Usage | GB | This metric monitors the total size (in GB) of Archive log | |
oracle_asm_diskgroup_type | Oracle ASM Disk Group Type | NULL | This metric displays the type of the ASM disk group | |
oracle_database_invalid_objects | Oracle Database Invalid Objects | NULL | This metric displays invalid objects available or not | |
oracle_asm_disk_mode_status | Oracle ASM Disk Mode Status | NULL | This metric displays global status about which kinds of I/O requests are allowed to the disk | |
oracle_database_daysSinceLastRestorePoint | Oracle Database Days Since Last Restore Point | Days | Monitors the age (In Days) of last successful restore point |
G2-OracleDB-Database Resource Usage
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database Resource Usage Monitor | oracle_database_resource_process_limit | Oracle Database Resource Process Limit | count | Oracle Database Resource Process Limit |
oracle_database_resource_session_limit | Oracle Database Resource Session Limit | count | Oracle Database Resource Session Limit |
G2-OracleDB-Database Resource Usage - v2
This updated version 2 template added with new process utilization metric.
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database Resource Usage Monitor - v2 | oracle_database_process_utilization | Oracle Database Process Utilization | % | To monitor Process Utilization of the provided DB Instance. |
G2-OracleDB-Database scheduled jobs
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database scheduled jobs Monitor | oracle_database_dbmsjobs_failure_count | Oracle Database DBMS Jobs Failure Count | count | Oracle Database DBMS Jobs Failure Count |
oracle_database_scheduler_jobs_status | Oracle Database Scheduler Jobs Status | NULL | Oracle Database Scheduler Jobs Status | |
oracle_database_autotask_job_status | Oracle Database AutoTask Job Status | NULL | Oracle Database AutoTask Job Status |
G2-OracleDB-Database Space Usage
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Database Space Usage Monitor | oracle_database_required_mirror_freespace | Oracle Database Required Mirror Free Space | MB | Oracle Database - Including different redundancy requirements (Safely usable data usage) |
oracle_asm_diskgroup_utilization | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization | % | Oracle ASM DiskGroup Space Utilization | |
oracle_database_tablespace_usedPercent | Oracle Database Tablespace Used Percent | % | Monitor the Oracle table space used percent | |
oracle_database_safelyusable_diskspace | Oracle Database Safely Usable Disk Space | MB | Oracle Database - Including safely usable disk space on different redundancy (Safely usable data usage) |
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-DG DB Role Change Monitor With DGB | oracle_dg_database_role_change_withDGB | Oracle DataGuard DB Role Change with DataGuard Broker | NULL | Oracle DataGuard DB Role Change with DataGuard Broker |
This template supports for Oracle Linux flavor machines and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above & Add SSH credentials on target device (For which user had permissions to execute “lsnrctl services” command)
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Listener Availability Monitor | oracle_database_listener_availability | Oracle Database Listener Availability | NULL | Oracle Database Listener Availability |
G2-OracleDB-Listener Monitor | oracle_database_listener_status_with_nodes | Oracle Database Listener Status With Nodes | NULL | Oracle Database Listener Status With Nodes |
oracle_database_all_listener_status | Oracle Database All Listener Status | NULL | Oracle Database All Listener Status | |
oracle_database_scan_listener_status | Oracle Database Scan Listener Status | NULL | Oracle Database Scan Listener Status | |
oracle_database_local_listener_status | Oracle Database Local Listener Status | NULL | Oracle Database Local Listener Status | |
G2-OracleDB-Listener Service Monitor | oracle_database_listener_service_status | Oracle Database Listener Service Status | NULL | Oracle Database Listener Service Status |
G2-OracleDB-Listener SID Availability
This template supports for Oracle Linux flavor machines and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version. This template Only works for CDB SID’s
- Gateway 7.0.0 and above & Add SSH credentials on target device.
- Need to provide input parameters like below format.syntax:
,,,...etc example:Instance1,Instance2
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Listener SID Availability Monitor | oracle_database_listenerSID_availability | Oracle Database Listener SID Availability | Monitors the oracle database listener SID availability status: Below are the possible values - 1 - Available,0 - Unavailable |
G2-OracleDB-Monitored License Used Status
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries and tested in Oracle RAC 19c version.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Monitored License Used Status | oracle_database_monitoredLicense_Usedstatus | Oracle Database Monitored License Used Status | NULL | It provides oracle monitored license list with currently used status. Below are the possible values - TRUE: 0 FALSE: 1 |
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Library Stats
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Library Stats
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Library stats | oracle.library.cache.gets | Oracle Library Cache Gets | Validates the Number of Library Cache gets by database. | |
oracle.library.cachereloads | Library Cache Reloads | NULL | Validates the Number of Library Cache Reloads by database. | |
oracle.cache.invalidations | Oracle Cache Invalidations | Validates the how many Cache invalidations on particular database. |
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Library Stats - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Library stats - v2.0 | oracle.library.cache.gets | Oracle Library Cache Gets | Validates the Number of Library Cache gets by database. | |
oracle.library.cachereloads | Library Cache Reloads | NULL | Validates the Number of Library Cache Reloads by database. | |
oracle.cache.invalidations | Oracle Cache Invalidations | Validates the how many Cache invalidations on particular database. |
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Memory
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Memory
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle SGA stats | oracle.shared.pool.free | Shared Pool Free | MB | It monitors the free shared pool memory in MB. |
oracle.java.pool.free | Java Pool Free | MB | It monitors the free java pool memory in MB. | |
oracle.large.pool.free | Large Pool Free | MB | It monitors the free large pool memory in MB. |
G2-OracleDB-Oracle Memory - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle SGA stats - v2.0 | oracle.shared.pool.free | Shared Pool Free | MB | It monitors the free shared pool memory in MB. |
oracle.java.pool.free | Java Pool Free | MB | It monitors the free java pool memory in MB. | |
oracle.large.pool.free | Large Pool Free | MB | It monitors the free large pool memory in MB. |
G2-OracleDB-Password Security
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries,Template is tested on Oracle RAC 19c version (Linux based OS).
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
G2-OracleDB-Password Security | oracle_database_users_default_password | oracle_database_users_default_password | count | Monitors the count of users which are using default password |
oracle_database_password_expiry_Days | Oracle Database Password Expiry Days | Days | Monitors the users password expiry in days |
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
OracleDB Performance | oracle.invalid.objects | Invalid Objects | count | Checks for invalid objects in database. |
oracle.failed.logon.count | Failed Logon Count | count | It monitors the failed logon attempts of the current user. | |
oracle.blocking.lock.queries | Oracle Blocking Lock Queries | count | Validates the how many block lock queries?on particular database. | |
oracle.long.running.queries | Oracle Long Running Queries | count | Validates the how many long running queries?on particular database. |
G2-OracleDB-Performance - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
OracleDB Performance - v2.0 | oracle.invalid.objects | Invalid Objects | count | Checks for invalid objects in database. |
oracle.failed.logon.count | Failed Logon Count | count | It monitors the failed logon attempts of the current user. | |
oracle.blocking.lock.queries | Oracle Blocking Lock Queries | count | Validates the how many block lock queries?on particular database. | |
oracle.long.running.queries | Oracle Long Running Queries | count | Validates the how many long running queries?on particular database. |
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Sessions | oracle.session.cpu_used | Session Cpu Used | s | It monitors the session cpu usage in seconds. |
oracle.active.sessions | Active Sessions | count | It monitors the active sessions | |
oracle.inactive.sessions | Inactive Sessions | count | It monitors the inactive sessions | |
oracle.session.limit.usage | Session Limit Usage | % | It monitors the sessions utilization. | |
oracle.session.waits | Session Waits | s | It monitors the session waits |
G2-OracleDB-Sessions - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Sessions - v2.0 | oracle.session.cpu_used | Session Cpu Used | s | It monitors the session cpu usage in seconds. |
oracle.active.sessions | Active Sessions | count | It monitors the active sessions | |
oracle.inactive.sessions | Inactive Sessions | count | It monitors the inactive sessions | |
oracle.session.limit.usage | Session Limit Usage | % | It monitors the sessions utilization. | |
oracle.session.waits | Session Waits | s | It monitors the session waits |
G2-OracleDB-Sessions - v3.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Sessions - v3.0 | oracle.active.sessions | Active Sessions | count | It monitors the active sessions |
oracle.session.limit.usage | Session Limit Usage | % | It monitors the sessions utilization. | |
oracle.inactive.sessions | Inactive Sessions | count | It monitors the inactive sessions | |
oracle_system_waits_perClass | Oracle System Waits PerClass | s | To monitor oracle system class waits (The system-level waits represent a high level summary of all session-level waits). This metric evaluated using this formula avg of waits = sum(time_waited)/sum(total_waits) | |
oracle_session_waits_perEvent | Oracle Session Waits PerEvent | s | It monitors sum of "session waits" per each event and class. (event for which sessions have just completed waiting or are currently waiting) |
G2-OracleDB-System Stats
G2-OracleDB-System Stats
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle System Stats | oracle.user.commits | User Commits | psec | This metric represents the number of user commits performed per second in last two monitoring polls. |
oracle.redo.log.space.requests | Redo Log Space Requests | Req per Sec | It represents the active log file is full and Oracle is waiting for disk space to be allocated for the redo log entries. | |
oracle.user.rollbacks.persec | User Rollbacks | psec | This metric represents the number of times,per second,that users manually issue the ROLLBACK statement or an error occurred during a user's transactions. | |
oracle.cache.blocks.lost | Cache Blocks Lost | count | This metric represents the number of global cache blocks lost over the user-defined observation period. | |
oracle.table.scan.blocks.persec | Table Scan Blocks | psec | Number of blocks received via table scans. | |
oracle.io.wait.time | IO Wait Time | ms | How much time the application was blocked,waiting for all I/O operation to complete | |
oracle.logons.per.sec | Logons Per Sec | count | This metric represents the number of logons per second during the sample period. | |
oracle.db.instance.uptime | DB Instance Uptime | Days | It represents db instance uptime since start up. | |
oracle.check.db.alive | Check Db Alive | NULL | Monitors connectivity to the database instance. |
G2-OracleDB-System Stats - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle System Stats - v2.0 | oracle.user.commits | User Commits | psec | This metric represents the number of user commits performed per second in last two monitoring polls. |
oracle.redo.log.space.requests | Redo Log Space Requests | Req per Sec | It represents the active log file is full and Oracle is waiting for disk space to be allocated for the redo log entries. | |
oracle.user.rollbacks.persec | User Rollbacks | psec | This metric represents the number of times,per second,that users manually issue the ROLLBACK statement or an error occurred during a user's transactions. | |
oracle.cache.blocks.lost | Cache Blocks Lost | count | This metric represents the number of global cache blocks lost over the user-defined observation period. | |
oracle.table.scan.blocks.persec | Table Scan Blocks | psec | Number of blocks received via table scans. | |
oracle.io.wait.time | IO Wait Time | ms | How much time the application was blocked,waiting for all I/O operation to complete | |
oracle.logons.per.sec | Logons Per Sec | count | This metric represents the number of logons per second during the sample period. | |
oracle.db.instance.uptime | DB Instance Uptime | Days | It represents db instance uptime since start up. | |
oracle.check.db.alive | Check Db Alive | NULL | Monitors connectivity to the database instance. |
G2-OracleDB-System Stats - v3.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Database System Statistics | oracle_database_gc_blocks_corrupt | Oracle Database Global Cache Blocks Corrupt | NULL | It monitors the value of the global cache blocks corrupt. |
oracle_database_redoLog_contention | Oracle Database Redo Log Contention | % | It monitors the miss ratio for redo log latches. If the ratio of MISSES to GETS exceeds 1% then there is latch contention. | |
oracle_database_gc_blocks_lost | Oracle Database Global Cache Blocks Lost | NULL | It monitors the value of the global cache blocks lost | |
oracle_database_cacheFusionWrites | Oracle Database Cache Fusion Writes Ratio | % | It monitors the ratio of cache fusion writes | |
oracle_database_avgGlobalLockGetTime | Oracle Database Average Global Lock Get Time | ms | It monitors the average global lock get time (in milliseconds) | |
oracle_database_dictionaryCacheHitRatio | Oracle Database Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio | % | It monitors the Dictionary cache hit ratio | |
oracle_database_gc_cr_timeouts | Oracle Database Global Cache Consistent Read Timeouts | NULL | It monitors the value of global cache consistent read timeouts. This statistic is available in older oracle versions only. | |
oracle_database_chainedRows | Oracle Database Chained Rows | count | It monitors the count of chained rows from all available tables in oracle database | |
oracle_database_bufferCachehitRatio | Oracle Database Buffer Cache Hit Ratio | % | It monitors the buffer cache hit ratio | |
oracle_database_gc_convert_timeouts | Oracle Database Global Cache Convert Timeouts | NULL | It monitors the value of global cache convert timeouts,this statistic is available in older oracle versions only. | |
oracle_database_gc_service_utilization | Oracle Database Global Cache Service Utilization | % | It monitors the value of global cache service utilization,this statistic is available in older oracle versions only. | |
oracle_database_memory_sortRatio | Oracle Database Memory Sort Ratio | % | It monitors the ratio of memory sorts | |
oracle_database_unUsable_index_count | Oracle Database UnUsable Index Count | count | It monitors the count of the unusable indexes in the oracle database. | |
Oracle Database Users Statistics | oracle_database_overallSize | Oracle Database Overall Size | MB | It monitors the oracle database size (in MB) based on data files,temp files,log files and the control files |
oracle_database_activeUsers | Oracle Database Active Users | count | It monitors the count of oracle active users | |
oracle_database_resource_utilization | Oracle Database Resource Utilization | % | It monitors the resource utilization for the resources :Processes,Sessions and Transactions | |
oracle_database_activeConnectionRatio | Oracle Database Active Connection Ratio | % | It monitors the ratio of oracle active connections | |
oracle_database_concurrentUsers | Oracle Database Concurrent Users | count | It monitors the count of concurrent users | |
oracle_database_pga_memory_usage | Oracle Database PGA Memory Usage | Bytes | It monitors the PGA memory usage (in Bytes) of the each oracle user | |
oracle_database_size_withDataAndLogFiles | Oracle Database Size With Data And Log Files | MB | It monitors the oracle database size (in MB) based on log and data files. | |
oracle_database_locked_users_count | Oracle Database Locked Users Count | count | It monitors the number of users suspended by locks within a timeout | |
Oracle System Stats - v3.0 | oracle.table.scan.blocks.persec | Table Scan Blocks | psec | Number of blocks received via table scans. |
oracle.user.commits | User Commits | psec | This metric represents the number of user commits performed per second in last two monitoring polls. | |
oracle.logons.per.sec | Logons Per Sec | count | This metric represents the number of logons per second during the sample period. | |
oracle.cache.blocks.lost | Cache Blocks Lost | count | This metric represents the number of global cache blocks lost over the user-defined observation period. | |
oracle.user.rollbacks.persec | User Rollbacks | psec | This metric represents the number of times,per second,that users manually issue the ROLLBACK statement or an error occurred during a user's transactions. | |
oracle.io.wait.time | IO Wait Time | ms | How much time the application was blocked,waiting for all I/O operation to complete | |
oracle.check.db.alive | Check Db Alive | NULL | Monitors connectivity to the database instance. | |
oracle.db.instance.uptime | DB Instance Uptime | Days | It represents db instance uptime since start up. | |
oracle.redo.log.space.requests | Redo Log Space Requests | Req per Sec | It represents the active log file is full and Oracle is waiting for disk space to be allocated for the redo log entries. |
G2-OracleDB-System Summary
G2-OracleDB-System Summary
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle System Summary | oracle.cpu.usage.per.sec | CPU Usage Per Sec | NULL | This metric represents the CPU usage per second by the database processes,measured in hundredths of a second. |
oracle.cpu.usage.per.txn | CPU Usage Per Txn | NULL | The amount of CPU usage per transaction for the specific task or session. | |
oracle.database.cpu.time.ratio | Database CPU Time Ratio | NULL | The Database CPU Time Ratio is of limited value as a tuning tool.The Database CPU Time Ratio is computed by dividing the amount of CPU used in the database by the amount of total database time. Total database time is the time spent by the database on user-level calls . | |
oracle.executions.per.txn | Executions Per Txn | NULL | The average amount of time per execution | |
oracle.executions.per.sec | Executions Per Sec | NULL | The average transactions per second | |
oracle.sql.service.response.time | Sql Service Response Time | ms | SQL Response Time is the average elapsed time per execution of a representative set of SQL statements,relative to a baseline. | |
oracle.user.transaction.per.sec | mUser Transaction Per Sec | NULL | The User Commits Per Sec Oracle metric data item represents the number of user commits performed,per second during the sample period. | |
oracle.response.time.per.txn | Response Time Per Txn | NULL | The Response Time Per Txn Oracle metric is using only statistics available within the database,this data item gives the best approximation of response time,in seconds,per transaction during this sample period. | |
oracle.database.wait.time.ratio | Database Wait Time Ratio | NULL | It monitors database wait time ratio. |
G2-OracleDB-System Summary - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle System Summary | oracle.cpu.usage.per.sec | CPU Usage Per Sec | NULL | This metric represents the CPU usage per second by the database processes,measured in hundredths of a second. |
oracle.cpu.usage.per.txn | CPU Usage Per Txn | NULL | The amount of CPU usage per transaction for the specific task or session. | |
oracle.database.cpu.time.ratio | Database CPU Time Ratio | NULL | The Database CPU Time Ratio is of limited value as a tuning tool.The Database CPU Time Ratio is computed by dividing the amount of CPU used in the database by the amount of total database time. Total database time is the time spent by the database on user-level calls . | |
oracle.executions.per.txn | Executions Per Txn | NULL | The average amount of time per execution | |
oracle.executions.per.sec | Executions Per Sec | NULL | The average transactions per second | |
oracle.sql.service.response.time | Sql Service Response Time | ms | SQL Response Time is the average elapsed time per execution of a representative set of SQL statements,relative to a baseline. | |
oracle.user.transaction.per.sec | mUser Transaction Per Sec | NULL | The User Commits Per Sec Oracle metric data item represents the number of user commits performed,per second during the sample period. | |
oracle.response.time.per.txn | Response Time Per Txn | NULL | The Response Time Per Txn Oracle metric is using only statistics available within the database,this data item gives the best approximation of response time,in seconds,per transaction during this sample period. | |
oracle.database.wait.time.ratio | Database Wait Time Ratio | NULL | It monitors database wait time ratio. |
G2-OracleDB-Table Space
G2-OracleDB-Table Space
No prerequisite
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Table Space | oracle.table.space.util | Table Space Utilization | % | It monitors the table space utilization |
oracle.table.space.used | Table Space Used | Mb | It monitors the table space used. | |
oracle.temp.table.space.free | Temp Table Space Free | Mb | It monitors temporary table space free | |
oracle.temp.table.space.used | Temp Table Space Used | Mb | It monitors temporary table space used | |
oracle.temp.table.space.util | Temp Table Space Utilization | % | It monitors temporary table space utilization | |
oracle.table.space.free | Oracle Table Space Free | MB | Validates the Size allocated for the table by database. |
G2-OracleDB-Table Space - v2.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Table Space - v2.0 | oracle.table.space.util | Table Space Utilization | % | It monitors the table space utilization |
oracle.table.space.used | Table Space Used | Mb | It monitors the table space used. | |
oracle.temp.table.space.free | Temp Table Space Free | Mb | It monitors temporary table space free | |
oracle.temp.table.space.used | Temp Table Space Used | Mb | It monitors temporary table space used | |
oracle.temp.table.space.util | Temp Table Space Utilization | % | It monitors temporary table space utilization | |
oracle.table.space.free | Oracle Table Space Free | MB | Validates the Size allocated for the table by database. |
G2-OracleDB-Table Space - v3.0
This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.
Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Oracle Database Tablespace Monitor | oracle_database_tablespace_status | Oracle Database Tablespace Status | NULL | It monitors the status of the each tablespace in oracle. Below are the possible values: ONLINE,OFFLINE,READ ONLY |
oracle_database_remaining_extents | Oracle Database Remaining Extents | count | Oracle Database Remaining Extents | |
oracle_database_rollbackSegments | Oracle Database Rollback Segments | count | It monitors the value of a sufficient number of rollback segments. | |
oracle_database_tablespace_size | Oracle Database Tablespace Size | MB | This metric monitors the size (in MB) for each available TABLESPACES | |
oracle_database_tablespace_deficit_status | Oracle Database Tablespace Deficit Status | NULL | It monitors the deficit status of the each tablespace in oracle. Below are the possible values,0 - Tablespace has deficit (i.e. available space < next extent),1 - Tablespace has no deficit (i.e. available space > next extent)" | |
oracle_database_tablespace_freeSpace | Oracle Database Tablespace FreeSpace | % | It monitors the free space utilization of the each tablespace in oracle. | |
oracle_database_tablespace_temp_free | Oracle Database Tablespace Temp Free | Bytes | It monitors the free space (in Bytes) of the temp tablespace | |
oracle_database_no_next_extents | Oracle Database No Next Extents | count | It monitors the count of database segments which are having no next extent | |
Oracle Table Space - v3.0 | oracle.table.space.util | Table Space Utilization | % | It monitors the table space utilization |
oracle.table.space.used | Table Space Used | Mb | It monitors the table space used. | |
oracle.temp.table.space.free | Temp Table Space Free | Mb | It monitors temporary table space free | |
oracle.temp.table.space.used | Temp Table Space Used | Mb | It monitors temporary table space used | |
oracle.temp.table.space.util | Temp Table Space Utilization | % | It monitors temporary table space utilization | |
oracle.table.space.free | Oracle Table Space Free | MB | Validates the Size allocated for the table by database. |