This section describes how to deploy gateway as a virtual machine using ISO image on VMware ESXi Host using vSphere client.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is only applicable for the Kubernetes environment and Ubuntu/Linux operating system.


To deploy a NextGen cluster in your kubernetes environment, make sure your environment meets these requirements:

  • 8 GB Memory
  • 50 GB Disk
  • 4 Core of CPU
  • AMD64 Arch
  • If you are using a proxy, add the proxy details to /etc/environment. For more information, refer to the documentation.

Step 1: Download the NextGen Gateway ISO

Using the ISO image, you can install the gateway on VMware ESXi Server using VMware vSphere.

To download the gateway follow the below steps:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Account > Collector Profile.
  3. Click + ADD on the COLLECTOR PROFILES page.
    ISO download
  4. Provide the Profile Name and Description. Then, click on the VIRTUAL APPLIANCE (ISO) NEXTGEN tile.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Download the gateway by clicking on the VIRTUAL APPLIANCE (ISO) tile.
    OVA download
  7. Once you have downloaded the gateway, proceed to Step 2 to install the gateway.

Step 2: Install the NextGen Gateway ISO as a Virtual Machine

Click here to know how to install gateway as a virtual machine using an ISO image.

Step 3: Update Hostname and Install Kubernetes

  1. Update the hostname and change the default password.
    • Use the following command to update the hostname:
          opsramp-collector-start setup updatehostname <new hostname>
    • Use the following command to change default password:
          passwd gateway-admin
      On successful hostname update, will show the response as below:
  2. Change your IP address from dynamic to static.
    • Login to nextgen gateway using gateway-admin user.
    • Run the below command and get the interface name.
          ip addr
    • Go to /etc/netplan directory.
    • Open the 50-cloud-init.yaml file using a text editor.
    • Copy and paste the following content into the file, replacing placeholders with specific values:

      Template yaml:
                dhcp4: no
                - <IpAddr>/<NetMask>
                gateway4: <DefaultGateway>
                  - <DNSserver>
          version: 2
      • InerfaceName: The name of your network interface (e.g., eth0).
      • IpAddr: The IP address assigned to your interface.
      • NetMask: The netmask for your IP address.
      • DefaultGateway: The address of your default gateway.
      • DNSserver: The IP addresses of your DNS servers.

        Sample Output:
                  dhcp4: no
            version: 2
    • Save the 50-cloud-init.yaml file and run the following command to apply the changes:
          sudo netplan apply
  3. Install the k3s:
    • If you don’t want to use OpsRamp repository and use your own repository (either public or private) for pulling docker images and Helm charts, then follow the below steps:
      • Open the specified yaml file and uncomment the “configs” section.
        vi /var/cgw/asserts_k3s/registries.yaml.template
      • Provide your repository details as follows and ensure proper YAML indentation.
            - ""
              username: "{user}"
              password: "{password}"
    • Install the k3s using the following command.
      opsramp-collector-start setup init
    • Install the k3s with a custom pod/service IP range, use the following command.
      opsramp-collector-start setup init --cluster-cidr <cluster-cidr-ip> --service-cidr <service-cide-ip>

      On successful k3s installed, will show the response as below:
      Check k3s status:

Step 4: Register the Gateway Collector

Click here to know how to activate the gateway collector.