You can view the list of users in your organization on the Users listing page.

To view the Users listing page:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Accounts > Users.
GLP - Users listing page
  • Click the user name to view the user details.

Search for a user

You can use the search to find a user by the user name.

For searching multiple users who share the same criteria, use the Advanced search option:

  1. Click Advanced. The Advanced Search popup window is displayed.

  2. Provide details for the following parameters and click Search:

    • Status: You can select users with one of the following states:

      • All - Displays Active, Deactivated, Locked, and Terminated users
      • Active – Users actively using the platform.
      • Deactivated – Currently deactivated users.
      • Locked – Currently locked-out users.
    • Enter the user name.

    • Enter the Email address.

Export user information

You can download and save user information in a CSV or PDF file. Click Export > CSV or Export > PDF to export the file.