As the account owner, use My Profile to customize your profile and choose feature preferences that match how you work with the platform. Mouse over your avatar in the top-right corner and click My Profile:

My Profile

The Profile Management menu permits you to view or change Profile Details.

Use the Preferences menu to view or change feature properties:

Profile details

My Profile

Click Profile Details to display your current profile. Your profile includes general account, localization, and notification preferences:

General PreferencesNameYesYour first and last names
UsernameYesUser name associated with your account
AddressYour address
CityYour city
StateYour state
ZipYour zip code
CountryYesYour country
Phone NumberYour phone number
Mobile numberYour mobile phone number
Primary EmailYesYour primary email address for receiving notifications. You can, instead, associate an alternate email address with notifications.
Alternate EmailAn alternate email address, which you can associate with notifications.
Localization PreferencesTime ZoneYesYour local time zone
Date PatternYour preferred date display format, such as mm/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd.
Time FormatYour preferred time display format. Select from a 12-hour or 24-hour clock.
ThemeYour preferred theme, you may either select Light mode or Dark Mode.

Note: Dark Mode may not apply across the entire OpsRamp portal.
Default ClientSelect the default client information.
Home PageYou can set a preferred landing page based on your users profile settings. You may either select Classic Dashboard or Dashboard 2.0 from the drop down listbox.
Notification Preferences

If you choose email notification, you can specify Primary Email or Alternate Email as the email address to use for notifications.
Account InformationNotification preference for account information:

Email = Notify using email
No Notify = Do not send a notification
Alert NotificationNotification preference for alerts:

Email = Notify using email
No Notify = Do not send a notification
Report NotificationNotification preference for reports:

Email = Notify using email
No Notify = Do not send a notification
Export NotificationNotification preference for exports:

Email = Notify using email
No Notify = Do not send a notification

To change your profile:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Minimally, enter your information in the required fields and make any other changes you want.
  3. Click the Update button to commit your changes.


My Profile

This section describes additional viewing and notification preferences.

To change any of these preferences, click Edit and follow the edit dialog, selecting from the available options or entering the value you want in the text box.

Default Device Tree Tab

Use the Default Device Tree Tab property to specify the first option to display on the infrastructure tree. Available options are:

  • Device Type
  • Resource Group
  • Service Group
  • Sites

Browser Consoles

Use the Browser Consoles preference to specify the properties for the following console types.

RDP Console

Parameter NameDescription
Width(optional) Width of the display to request, in pixels. If not specified, the width of the connecting client display is used.

The browser console automatically chooses the appropriate display size for RDP connections based on the browser window size and the device DPI. You can force the display size by specifying explicit width or height values.
Height(optional) Height of the display to request, in pixels. If not specified, the height of the connecting client display is used.
Resolution (DPI)(optional) Effective resolution you want for the client display, in DPI. If not specified, the resolution and size of the client display are used to determine, heuristically, an appropriate resolution for the RDP session.
Color depth(optional) Color depth to request, in bits-per-pixel. If specified, this must be 8, 16, or 24. Regardless of the value you specify, if an update uses less than 256 colors, the browser console always sends the update as a 256-color PNG image.

To reduce bandwidth usage, consider reducing color depth. The browser console automatically detects 256-color images, which can be guaranteed for all graphics sent over the connection by forcing the color depth to 8-bit. Otherwise, color depth is dictated by the RDP server.
Resize method(optional) Method to use to update the RDP server when the width or height of the client display changes. If not specified, no action is taken when the client display size changes. Options:

  • display-update uses the RDP 8.1+ Display Update channel to signal the server when the client display size changes.
  • reconnect automatically disconnects the RDP session when the client display size changes and reconnects with the new size.
Typically, the RDP session display size is constant and can only be changed on the initial connection. As of RDP 8.1, the Display Update channel can be used to request that the server change the display size. For older RDP servers, the only option is to disconnect and reconnect using the new size.

SSH Console

SSH support provides a display, but not an RDP-like protocol. The display is a terminal emulator, and that has options for configuring text properties. The specified font must be installed on the server because the server, not the client, renders the characters to the display terminal.

Parameter NameDescription
Color scheme(optional) The color scheme of the terminal emulator used for SSH connections. The color scheme is specified as semicolon-separated name-value pairs. Each name-value pair assigns a value to a color in the terminal emulator palette.

Example of default blue text on a white background and the red color represented as a purple shade:

foreground: rgb:00/00/ff; background: rgb:ff/ff/ff; color9: rgb:80/00/80

This format is similar to the color configuration format used by Xterm. Xterm color configurations can be adapted to the browser console. If not specified, the browser console renders text as gray on a black background. Possible color names are:
  • foreground sets the default foreground color
  • background sets the default background color
  • color sets the color at index on the Xterm 256-color palette. For example, color9 refers to the red color. Possible color values are:
    • rgb:RR/GG/BB Use the specified color in RGB format, with each component in hexadecimal notation. For example, rgb:ff/00/00 specifies the color red. Each hexadecimal component can be one to four digits. The effective values are always zero-extended or truncated to two digits. For example, rgb:f/8/0, rgb:f0/80/00, and rgb:f0f/808/00f all refer to the same effective color.
    • color Use the color currently assigned to index on the Xterm 256-color palette. For example, color9 specifies the current red color. Note that the color value is used rather than the color reference. If color9 is changed in the color scheme configuration, the new color is not reflected in this assignment.
    For backward compatibility, the browser console accepts four special values as the color scheme parameter:
    • black-white Black text over a white background
    • gray-black Gray text over a black background, the default color scheme
    • green-black Green text over a black background
    • white-black White text over a black background
Font name(optional) The font name. If not specified, the default font is monospace.
Font size(optional) The font size, in points. If not specified, the default font size is 12.
Maximum scrollback size(optional) Maximum number of rows to permit within the terminal scrollback buffer. If not specified, the scrollback buffer is limited to a maximum of 1000 rows.

Telnet Console

Telnet support provides a display, but not an RDP-like protocol. The display is a terminal emulator, and that has options for configuring text properties. The specified font must be installed on the server because the server, not the client, renders the characters to the display terminal.

Parameter NameDescription
Color scheme(optional) The color scheme of the terminal emulator used for Telnet connections. The color scheme is specified as semicolon-separated name-value pairs. Each name-value pair assigns a value to a color in the terminal emulator palette.

Example of default blue text on a white background and the red color represented as a purple shade:

foreground: rgb:00/00/ff; background: rgb:ff/ff/ff; color9: rgb:80/00/80

This format is similar to the color configuration format used by Xterm. Xterm color configurations can be adapted to the browser console. If not specified, the browser console renders text as gray on a black background. Possible color names are:
  • foreground sets the default foreground color
  • background sets the default background color
  • color sets the color at index on the Xterm 256-color palette. For example, color9 refers to the red color. Possible color values are:
    • rgb:RR/GG/BB Use the specified color in RGB format, with each component in hexadecimal notation. For example, rgb:ff/00/00 specifies the color red. Each hexadecimal component can be one to four digits. The effective values are always zero-extended or truncated to two digits. For example, rgb:f/8/0, rgb:f0/80/00, and rgb:f0f/808/00f all refer to the same effective color.
    • color Use the color currently assigned to index on the Xterm 256-color palette. For example, color9 specifies the current red color. Note that the color value is used rather than the color reference. If color9 is changed in the color scheme configuration, the new color is not reflected in this assignment.
    For backward compatibility, the browser console accepts four special values as the color scheme parameter:
    • black-white Black text over a white background
    • gray-black Gray text over a black background, the default color scheme
    • green-black Green text over a black background
    • white-black White text over a black background
Font name(optional) The font name. If not specified, the default font is monospace.
Font size(optional) The font size, in points. If not specified, the default font size is 12.
Maximum scrollback size(optional) Maximum number of rows to permit within the terminal scrollback buffer. If not specified, the scrollback buffer is limited to a maximum of 1000 rows.

Display Settings

The Display Settings property toggles Room Mode for your dashboard. The Room Mode option permits you to view selected dashboards, which are displayed in a carousel sequence for a specified time interval. This feature is intended for NOCs to project the dashboard on a mounted display, such as in a hallway or a NOC room.

In Room Mode, the UI never disconnects. You can select one or more partner- or client-level dashboards to display.

Two security features are built into Room Mode:

  • You cannot go to a page other than the dashboard page.
  • If you exit the dashboard, the UI forces a logout. This ensures that another user cannot gain access to the account of the user who put the UI in room mode.

In the Display Settings preference dialog, click Yes to enable Room Mode and click No to disable room mode.

Notification Preferences

The Notification Preferences dialog permits you to specify at a very granular level how you want to receive Generic Notifications and Alert Notifications. For each notification type, you can differentiate notifications by priority and notification method for each priority.


  • Very Low Priority
  • Low Priority
  • Normal Priority
  • High Priority
  • Urgent Priority

Notification methods:

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Voice

For email notification, you can choose to be notified using your Primary Email or Alternate Email.