Supported Metrics
The following tabs represent the Metric Category of Cisco Viptela (SD-WAN)
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
Viptela vManage | viptela_vManage_api_availability | Viptela vManage API Availability Status/td> | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela API availability status. Possible values are 1(Up) - Successfully connected to Viptela API and 2(Down) -Failed to connect to Viptela API. | |
viptela_vManage_system_uptime | Viptela vManage System Uptime | Days | 1.0.0 | Provides UPTIME of the system in seconds | |
viptela_vManage_system_state | Viptela vManage System State | 1.0.0 | Provides State of the system. Possible values are green(1) All processes are up, blinking green(2) Router processes are coming up, yellow(3) This state color is not used, red(4) One or more processes are down, Undefined(0). | ||
viptela_vManage_device_reachability | Viptela vManage Device Reachability Status | 1.0.0 | Provides viptela device reachability from vManage | ||
Viptela vEdge | viptela_vEdge_hardware_pemPowerSupply | Viptela vEdge Power Supply Status | 1.0.0 | Provides the power supply status. If Present and Powered On are YES and Fault is NO (Present: YES; Powered On: YES; Fault: NO) in measurement value then status is 1 otherwise 2. | |
viptela_vEdge_system_state | Viptela vEdge Power Supply Status | 1.0.0 | Provides the power supply status. If Present and Powered On are YES and Fault is NO (Present: YES; Powered On: YES; Fault: NO) in measurement value then status is 1 otherwise 2. | ||
viptela_vEdge_system_uptime | Viptela vEdge System Uptime | Days | 1.0.0 | Provides UPTIME of the system in seconds | |
viptela_vEdge_device_reachabilitys | Viptela vEdge Device Reachability Status | 1.0.0 | Provides viptela device reachability from vManage | ||
viptela_vEdge_interface_status | Viptela vEdge Interface Status | 1.0.0 | Provides the status of the interface based on if-admin-status, if-oper-status values. Possible values are Up(1) - Operational Status is Up, Down(2) - Operational Status is Down, AdminDown(3) - Admin Status is Down, Undefined(0) - Unknown value. | ||
Viptela vBond | viptela_vBond_system_state | Viptela vBond System State | 1.0.0 | Provides the status of the interface based on if-admin-status, if-oper-status values. Possible values are Up(1) - Operational Status is Up, Down(2) - Operational Status is Down, AdminDown(3) - Admin Status is Down, Undefined(0) - Unknown value. | |
viptela_vBond_system_uptime | Viptela vBond System Uptime | Days | 1.0.0 | Provides UPTIME of the system in seconds | |
viptela_vBond_device_reachability | Viptela vBond Device Reachability Status | 1.0.0 | Provides viptela device reachability from vManage | ||
Viptela vSmart | viptela_vSmart_system_state | Viptela vSmart System State | 1.0.0 | Provides State of the system. Possible values are green(1) All processes are up, blinking green(2) Router processes are coming up, yellow(3) This state color is not used, red(4) One or more processes are down, Undefined(0). | |
viptela_vSmart_system_uptime | Viptela vSmart System Uptime | Days | 1.0.0 | Provides UPTIME of the system in seconds | |
viptela_vSmart_device_reachability | Viptela vSmart Device Reachability Status | 1.0.0 | Provides viptela device reachability from vManage | ||
viptela_vSmart_interface_Status | Viptela vSmart Interface Status | 1.0.0 | Provides the status of the interface based on if-admin-status, if-oper-status values. Possible values are Up(1) - Operational Status is Up, Down(2) - Operational Status is Down, AdminDown(3) - Admin Status is Down, Undefined(0) - Unknown value. | Viptela cEdge | viptela_cEdge_hardware_pemPowerSupplys | Viptela cEdge Power Supply Status | 1.0.0 | Provides the power supply status. If Present and Powered On are YES and Fault is NO (Present: YES; Powered On: YES; Fault: NO) in measurement value then status is 1 otherwise 2. |
viptela_cEdge_system_state | Viptela cEdge System State | 1.0.0 | Provides State of the system. Possible values are green(1) All processes are up, blinking green(2) Router processes are coming up, yellow(3) This state color is not used, red(4) One or more processes are down, Undefined(0). | ||
viptela_cEdge_system_uptime | Viptela cEdge System Uptime | Days | 1.0.0 | Provides UPTIME of the system in seconds | |
viptela_cEdge_device_reachability | Viptela cEdge Device Reachability Status | 1.0.0 | Provides viptela device reachability from vManage |
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
Viptela vManage | viptela_vManage_cpu_loadMin | Viptela vManage CPU Load | 1.0.0 | Provides CPU load average for past 5 minutes. | |
viptela_vManage_cpu_usage | Viptela vManage CPU Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides the percentage of CPU that is being used by the System. The value is measured as 100 - cpu_idle. | |
viptela_vManage_disk_usage | Viptela vManage Disk Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides disk utilization in percentage. | |
viptela_vManage_memory_usage | Viptela vManage Memory Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides physical RAM utilization in percentage. Calculated using ((mem_used - mem_cached - mem_buffers) / mem_total) * 100. | |
viptela_vManage_storage_usage | Viptela vManage Storage Utilization | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela vManage storage utilization in percentage. | ||
Viptela vEdge | viptela_vEdge_hardware_tempSensorsBoard | Viptela vEdge Board Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the hardware board temperature in Celsius. |
viptela_vEdge_hardware_tempSensorsCpuJunction | Viptela vEdge CPU Junction Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the viptela hardware CPU junction temperature in Celsius. | |
viptela_vEdge_hardware_tempSensorsDram | Viptela vEdge Dram Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the Viptela Hardware DRAM Temperature in Celsius. | |
viptela_vEdge_hardware_tempSensorsPim | Viptela vEdge PIM Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the Viptela Hardware PIM Temperature in Celsius. | |
viptela_vEdge_tunnel_avgJitter | Viptela vEdge Avg Tunnel Jitter | ms | 1.0.0 | Viptela tunnel average packet JITTER value between two vEdge routers. | |
viptela_vEdge_tunnel_avgLatency | Viptela vEdge Avg Tunnel Latency | ms | 1.0.0 | Viptela tunnel average packet LATENCY between two vEdge routers. | |
viptela_vEdge_tunnel_avgLoss | Viptela vEdge Avg Tunnel Loss Percentage | % | 1.0.0 | Viptela tunnel average PACKET LOSS percentage between two vEdge routers. | |
viptela_vEdge_cpu_loadMin | Viptela vEdge CPU Load | NULL | 1.0.0 | Provides CPU load average for past 5 minutes. | |
viptela_vEdge_cpu_usage | Viptela vEdge CPU Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides the percentage of CPU that is being used by the System. The value is measured as 100 - cpu_idle. | |
viptela_vEdge_disk_usage | Viptela vEdge Disk Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides disk utilization in percentage. | |
viptela_vEdge_memory_usage | Viptela vEdge Memory Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides physical RAM utilization in percentage. Calculated using ((mem_used - mem_cached - mem_buffers) / mem_total) * 100. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_dropsIn | Viptela vEdge Interface Drops In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_dropsOut | Viptela vEdge Interface Drops Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_errorsIn | Viptela vEdge Interface Errors In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_errorsOut | Viptela vEdge Interface Errors Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_trafficIn | Viptela vEdge Interface Traffic In | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_trafficOut | Viptela vEdge Interface Traffic Out | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_utilizationIn | Viptela vEdge Interface Utilization In | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic Inbound utilization percentage. | |
viptela_vEdge_interface_utilizationOut | Viptela vEdge Interface Utilization Out | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic outbound utilization percentage. | |
Viptela vBond | viptela_vBond_cpu_loadMin | Viptela vBond CPU Load | 1.0.0 | Provides CPU load average for past 5 minutes | |
viptela_vBond_cpu_usage | Viptela vBond CPU Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides the percentage of CPU that is being used by the System. The value is measured as 100 - cpu_idle | |
viptela_vBond_disk_usage | Viptela vBond Disk Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides disk utilization in percentage. | |
viptela_vBond_memory_usage | Viptela vBond Memory Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides physical RAM utilization in percentage. Calculated using ((mem_used - mem_cached - mem_buffers) / mem_total) * 100. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_dropsIn | Viptela vBond Interface Drops In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_dropsOut | Viptela vBond Interface Drops Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_errorsIn | Viptela vBond Interface Errors In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_errorsOut | Viptela vBond Interface Errors Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_status | Viptela vBond Interface Status | NULL | 1.0.0 | Provides the status of the interface based on if-admin-status, if-oper-status values. Possible values are Up(1) - Operational Status is Up, Down(2) - Operational Status is Down, AdminDown(3) - Admin Status is Down, Undefined(0) - Unknown value. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_trafficIn | Viptela vBond Interface Traffic In | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_trafficOut | Viptela vBond Interface Traffic Out | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_utilizationIn | Viptela vBond Interface Utilization In | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic Inbound utilization percentage. | |
viptela_vBond_interface_utilizationOut | Viptela vBond Interface Utilization Out | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic outbound utilization percentage. | |
Viptela vSmart | viptela_vSmart_cpu_loadMin | Viptela vSmart CPU Load | 1.0.0 | Provides CPU load average for past 5 minutes | |
viptela_vSmart_cpu_usage | Viptela vSmart CPU Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides the percentage of CPU that is being used by the System. The value is measured as 100 - cpu_idle. | |
viptela_vSmart_disk_usage | Viptela vSmart Disk Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides disk utilization in percentage. | |
viptela_vSmart_memory_usage | Viptela vSmart Memory Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides physical RAM utilization in percentage. Calculated using ((mem_used - mem_cached - mem_buffers) / mem_total) * 100. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_DropsIn | Viptela vSmart Interface Drops In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_DropsOut | Viptela vSmart Interface Drops Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_ErrorsIn | Viptela vSmart Interface Errors In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_ErrorsOut | Viptela vSmart Interface Errors Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_trafficIn | Viptela vSmart Interface Traffic In | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_trafficOut | Viptela vSmart Interface Traffic Out | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_utilizationIn | Viptela vSmart Interface Utilization In | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic Inbound utilization percentage. | |
viptela_vSmart_interface_utilizationOut | Viptela vSmart Interface Utilization Out | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic outbound utilization percentage. | |
Viptela cEdge | viptela_cEdge_hardware_tempSensorsBoard | Viptela cEdge Board Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the hardware board temperature in Celsius. |
viptela_cEdge_hardware_tempSensorsCpuJunction | Viptela cEdge CPU Junction Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the viptela hardware CPU junction temperature in Celsius. | |
viptela_cEdge_hardware_tempSensorsDram | Viptela cEdge Dram Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the Viptela Hardware DRAM Temperature in Celsius. | |
viptela_cEdge_hardware_tempSensorsPim | Viptela cEdge PIM Temperature | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Provides the Viptela Hardware PIM Temperature in Celsius. | |
viptela_cEdge_tunnel_avgJitter | Viptela cEdge Avg Tunnel Jitter | ms | 1.0.0 | Viptela tunnel average packet JITTER value between two vEdge routers. | |
viptela_cEdge_tunnel_avgLatency | Viptela cEdge Avg Tunnel Latency | ms | 1.0.0 | Viptela tunnel average packet LATENCY between two vEdge routers. | |
viptela_cEdge_tunnel_avgLoss | Viptela cEdge Avg Tunnel Loss Percentage | % | 1.0.0 | Viptela tunnel average PACKET LOSS percentage between two vEdge routers. | |
viptela_cEdge_cpu_loadMin | Viptela cEdge CPU Load | NULL | 1.0.0 | Provides CPU load average for past 5 minutes. | |
viptela_cEdge_cpu_usage | Viptela cEdge CPU Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides the percentage of CPU that is being used by the System. The value is measured as 100 - cpu_idle. | |
viptela_cEdge_disk_usage | Viptela cEdge Disk Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides disk utilization in percentage. | |
viptela_cEdge_memory_usage | Viptela cEdge Memory Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Provides physical RAM utilization in percentage. Calculated using ((mem_used - mem_cached - mem_buffers) / mem_total) * 100. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_dropsIn | Viptela cEdge Interface Drops In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_dropsOut | Viptela cEdge Interface Drops Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_errorsIn | Viptela cEdge Interface Errors In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_errorsOut | Viptela cEdge Interface Errors Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_status | Viptela cEdge Interface Status | NULL | 1.0.0 | Provides the status of the interface based on if-admin-status, if-oper-status values. Possible values are Up(1) - Operational Status is Up, Down(2) - Operational Status is Down, AdminDown(3) - Admin Status is Down, Undefined(0) - Unknown value. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_trafficIn | Viptela cEdge Interface Traffic In | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_trafficOut | Viptela cEdge Interface Traffic Out | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_utilizationIn | Viptela cEdge Interface Utilization In | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic Inbound utilization percentage. | |
viptela_cEdge_interface_utilizationOut | Viptela cEdge Interface Utilization Out | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic outbound utilization percentage. | |
Viptela Interface | viptela_interface_drops_in | Viptela Interface Drops In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound dropped packets per minute. |
viptela_interface_drops_out | Viptela Interface Drops Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound dropped packets per minute. | |
viptela_interface_errors_in | Viptela Interface Errors In | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Inbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_interface_errors_out | Viptela Interface Errors Out | packet/min | 1.0.0 | Provides the number of Outbound error packets per minute. | |
viptela_interface_status | Viptela Interface Status | NULL | 1.0.0 | Provides the status of the interface based on if-admin-status, if-oper-status values. Possible values are Up(1) - Operational Status is Up, Down(2) - Operational Status is Down, AdminDown(3) - Admin Status is Down, Undefined(0) - Unknown value. | |
viptela_interface_traffic_in | Viptela Interface Traffic In | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. | |
viptela_interface_traffic_out | Viptela Interface Traffic Out | Mbps | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. | |
viptela_interface_utilization_in | Viptela Interface Utilization In | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic Inbound utilization percentage. | |
viptela_interface_utilization_out | Viptela Interface Utilization Out | % | 1.0.0 | Metric calculates the network traffic outbound utilization percentage. |
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
Viptela vEdge | viptela_vEdge_hardware_fanTray0 | Viptela vEdge Tray0 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray0 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minutet. |
viptela_vEdge_hardware_fanTray1 | Viptela vEdge Tray1 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray1 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. | |
viptela_vEdge_hardware_fanTray2 | Viptela vEdge Tray2 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray2 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. | |
viptela_vEdge_hardware_fanTray3 | Viptela vEdge Tray3 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray3 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. | |
Viptela cEdge | viptela_cEdge_hardware_fanTray0 | Viptela cEdge Tray0 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray0 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. |
viptela_cEdge_hardware_fanTray1 | Viptela cEdge Tray1 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray1 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. | |
viptela_cEdge_hardware_fanTray2 | Viptela cEdge Tray2 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray2 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. | |
viptela_cEdge_hardware_fanTray3 | Viptela cEdge Tray3 Fan Speed | rpm | 1.0.0 | Provides Viptela Hardware Tray3 Fan Speed in Revolutions per minute. |
Default Monitoring Configurations
OpsRamp provides default global configurations for Cisco Viptela (SD-WAN), including Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors, and Global Metrics. These defaults are designed to streamline your monitoring setup, but they can be customized to align with your specific business requirements by cloning the respective global templates and Device Management Policies. To prevent unnecessary alerts and data noise, it is recommended to complete the following customization tasks before installing the application.
Default Global Configurations
- Global Device Management Policies
OpsRamp includes a Global Device Management Policy for each Native Type of Viptela vManage. You can locate these policies in the OpsRamp platform by navigating to:
- Path: Setup → Resources → Device Management Policies
- Action: Use the suggested names to search within the global scope.
- Naming Convention format:
{appName nativeType - version}
- Example: Viptela-vManage - 1, where
- appName = cisco-viptela,
- nativeType = Viptela vManage
- version = 1.
- Global Templates
OpsRamp offers a Global Template for each Native Type of Viptela vManage. You can find these templates in the OpsRamp platform by navigating to:
- Path:
Setup → Monitoring → Templates - Action: Use the suggested names to search within the global scope.
- Naming Convention format:
{appName nativeType 'Template' - version}
- Example: Viptela-vManage Template - 1`, where:
- appName = cisco-viptela
- nativeType = Viptela vManage
- version = 1
- Global Monitors
For each Native Type with monitoring support, OpsRamp provides a Global Monitor. You can access these monitors by navigating to:
- Path: Setup → Monitoring → Monitors
- Action: Use the suggested names to search within the global scope.
- Naming Convention format:
{monitorKey appName nativeType - version}
- Example: Viptela-vManage Monitor - 1, where:
- monitorKey = Viptela-vManage Monitor
- appName = cisco-viptela
- nativeType = Viptela vManage
- version = 1