This quickstart guide show the basic onboarding steps to start monitoring resources and viewing metrics and alerts.
Create a client
Go to Setup > Accounts > Clients
Click +Add to add a client.
Enter the required client information:
Client Name
Time Zone
In the Auto Monitoring Resources section, make sure No is selected to disable auto-monitoring. Leave all other settings to the default selection.
Click the Next button.
Click Finish, keeping the default selection for Product Package entries.
The CLIENT DETAILS page displays basic information and configuration settings for your newly-created client.
Install the agent
Go to Setup > Downloads > Agent:
In the tile for the target operating system, click Instructions, as shown in this example for the Amazon Linux agent:
Follow the instructions to install the agent as a root user or non-root user. In a command window, you need to copy and run the commands provided in the instructions. The strings are already populated with the authentication keys for your organization.
Go to Infrastructure > Resources > Server to verify that the agent is installed. The server availability status is Undefined because an availability monitors is not yet assigned for your server.
Set up monitors
Go to Setup > Monitoring > Assign Templates:
In the drop-down menus, Select the client you created, if not already selected, Assign Templates to resources, and Cloud:
In the Select Resources section, select your server.
In the Select Monitoring Templates section, select OpsRamp Agent Status Template.
Go to Infrastructure > Resources > Server. Your server availability status should indicate Up.
View the dashboard
In Dashboards, choose Classic Dashboard:
The default dashboard for your client shows the inventory and availability widgets for your server.
View alerts
Power off your server instance to simulate an alert condition and wait about five minutes.
Go to Alerts to view the alert list:
An alert with status Critical and subject OpsRamp agent is offline indicates monitoring of your server availability. Click refresh to update the alert list.
Power on your server instance. The alert status for your server should changes from Critical to OK.
Next steps
Visit the Monitoring section to learn about other resources you can monitor.
In the Administrator Guide you can find more detailed information about setting up accounts, creating and authenticating users, and defining various management and event escalation and remediation policies.
View the API Getting Started documentation to learn more about how you can automate your enterprise operations.